02/02/2016   From Hillingdon to Catania: history of Italia title od Michele Antonelli

The Italian Race Walk Championship on 50km brings to the fore a new name in the world of Italian race walking.


His international history starts in a traumatic way, on Oct. 5, 2014, in Hillingdon in the suburbs of London where he participated for the first time to a 50km, and unfortunately does not conclude the race due to a disqualification.

The tenacity of the young age, and the thrust of his coach, Diego Cacchiarelli, let he continue with greater enthusiasm, and little by little the disqualification marks the turning point of the athlete, who has since started to put together a series of positive results.


In 2015 he won medals, in Italy, in all the distances of the U23.

He competes in European Championships U23 in Tallinn where he finish ninth in 20km (1:27:17), but before he was part of Italy's top team in the European Cup in Murcia, where he finished 33rd in 1:28:17.

For him it was an unsatisfactory result because in March 2015 he obtained in Lugano an excellent 1:27:07 (16th place) and then in Cassino the performance of 1:25.14 what today is still his personal best.


His vocation, however, seems to be that of 50km.

After the unlucky race of Hillingdon returns on the distance on Feb. 01, 2015 in Riposto (Catania): 3rd in 4:16:21.

But it does not give up, and try again the international experience on Oct. 10, 2015 in Germany for the 50km of Andernach.

He was ninth in an excellent 4:04:06 in the race won by Federico Tontodonati (3:49:27).

In nine months he has lowered his personal best of 12:15.

For the young U23 could be enough, but it didn't.


Back on 50km on Jan. 31, 2016, always in Sicily, Catania this time, and broke the wall of four hours, finishing in 3:56: 57 and winning his first title in the 50km.

These are his personal best







5000m track


Ancona (ITA)


5000m indoor


Ancona (ITA)


10.000m track


Rieti (ITA)


10km track


Caorle (ITA)


20km road 1:25:14 Cassino (ITA) 29.03.2015

50km road


Catania (ITA)







A short interview for the athlete of the moment.



This is the first Italian title of your career. What does it mean?


Great excitement and happiness but that's the starting point. There is still much to do to become a walker of international level.



Do you already consider a specialist of 50km?


For the moment I do not consider myself a specialist of 50 or 20. I want to try both distances and understand where I can do better. My next appointment will be in 20km after the indoor national championships in late March.



After this performance you think you are selected for the Team Race Walk World Chamnpionships in May?


It would be a great honor to participate and dress again the national shirt. But actually my goal is just to work hard and grow. If I am called I will give the maximum. As always, as usual.



Your work is done only with your coach or with the aid of other persons ?


To get to certain levels need a good coach but he must also be a good team leader. The coach follows me in the work and deals with the programming. But it is also the person who coordinates and organizes the activities of other important figures. My team consists of a sports and orthopedic doctor, a nutritionist, a physiotherapist and, very important figure: a sports psychologist.



You have prepared two 50km races in succession, it was hard? As mentally and how physically?


I am very motivated and focused toward the goals that I set myself and therefore I do not feel much mental fatigue. In contrast to the physical layer, in this second preparation, I started to feel a bit of hard work. But I will have time to rest, now I want to improve further.






Detail of the traing program finalized to 50km of Andernach (GER),  in the section Training 2015, or directly download from this link: click here





Detail of the traing program finalized to 50km of Catania (ITA),  in the section Training 2016, or directly download from this link: click here






(Marcia dal Mondo thanks the coach Diego Cacchiarelli for PDF of trainings)






Michele Antonelli in Tallin 2015 (photo from archive of Fidal)