08/07/2016   Alex Schwazer: sample B analysis confirmed result sample A

IAAF has announced this afternoon the positivity of the anti-doping test sample B of the athlete Alex Schwarzer. The result of the test carried out by the Cologne laboratory, confirming what was already evidenced in the sample A.
As a result of this, the athlete was suspended with immediate effect by the IAAF.
The athlete had tested positive in a doping control carried out on Janu. 1, this year and announced in recent weeks.




Athlete's statement on his Facebook profile:



"After the news of positivity I never stopped training despite the pain, the anger and the bitterness that absorb all my energies. I do it for my coach, for whom I have always been close, and for all that every day demonstrate to believe in me and in my innocence. I will fight to the last chance to shed light on this story: I want to go to the Olympics to give an answer in the race because I’m clean."




The statement of his coach on the Facebook profile of the athlete:



"The gravity of the situation and too many dark sides deserve the attention of the WADA should urgently open an investigation against the IAAF behavior. It would be a bad signal if were to prevail blinking between institutions that crushes the truth."







Obviously this news has had a major impact in the sports and non-sports national newspapers.
In the section "Race Walking in the world" we have selected some.


We leave our readers to draw the consequences.




Gazzetta dello Sport (by Claudio Arrigoni) - in Italian: Schwazer, non c'è più tempo per Rio





Gazzetta dello Sport (by Fausto Narducci) - in Italian: Schwazer, caso chiuso: si rassegni





Repubblica (by Alessandra Retico) - in Italian: Schwazer stop: "Lotterò fino alla fine"





La Stampa (by Claudia Zonca) - in Italian: Schwazer fuori dai Giochi: "Colpito con un gesto vile"





Libero (by Francesco Perugini) - in Italian: Tutti contenti, Schwazer fatto fuori dai Giochi





Avvenire (by Cesare Monetti) - in Italian: Schwazer non marcia più





Avvenire (by Mario Lusex) - in Italian: Questa storia ha troppe zone d'ombra Alex lo conosco, ora non lasciamolo solo






"Inside the Games" web-page - in English (by Michael Pavitt): click here






The athlete in the middle of his Coach and his Lawyer