European Race Walking Team Championships (Cup) 2017 Maschile

XII ed. - Podebrady (CZE)



50km uomini


Inizia con la prova più difficile, quella della 50km, che vede alla partenza 32 atleti in rappresentanza 14 paesi.

Questa è la realtà della lotta per la 50km !

Dei primi 10 atleti della graduatoria Europea 2017 nessuno è presente allo start. 

Dopo Dudince, dove tutti avevano stabilito il season best, alcuni hanno preferito altre scelte tecniche e dirottati sulla gara più corta per decisioni di squadra, altri proprio assenti continuando magari i loro programmi di allenamento finalizzati a Londra 2017.


In questo quadro generale spiccano con onore, le nazionali di


- Germania con Carl Dohmann, Nathaniel Seiler, Karls Junghannss;

- Spagna con Francisco Arcilla, Luis Manuel Corchete, Ivan Pajuelo, Benjamin Sanchez;

- Italia con Andrea Agrusti, Michele Antonelli, Teodorico Caporaso, Federico Tontodonati;

- Ucraina con Andriy Hrechkovskyy, Ihor Hlavan, Ivan Banzeruk, Roman Zakalnytskyy


che dovrebbero, almeno sulla carta, giocarsi la vittoria sia individuale che a squadre in questa prova.

Interessante sarà anche il confronto a distanza Podebrady-Lima, dove lo scorso week-end si è disputata la XVIII Cosa Panamericana de Marcia, la sorella maggiore della nostra Coppa Europea, con quell’arrivo entusiasmante fra Claudio Paulino Villanueva (ECU) e Luis Fernando Lopez (COL) dove entrambi fermarono il crono in 3:51:35.


La gara


Temperatura attorno ai 13°Celsius e cielo parzialmente nuvoloso: ideale per la 50km.


Ai 10km:


Va quasi subito in testa Aleksi Ojala (FIN) che guadagna una trentina di metri sul gruppo guidato dagli Italiani, Hlavan (UKR) e Brendan Boyce (IRL).

Ai 5km passa Alksi Ojala in 23:20, seguito da Karl Jungannss (GER) in 23:33 e Federico Tontodonati (ITA) che guida il gruppo in 23:36.

Ojala: 6km in 27:54

Si alternano alla guida el gruppo degli inseguitori Federico Tontodonati e Ihor Hlavan che hanno ormai raggiunto Karl Jungannss (GER).

Ojala: 7km in 32:32

Il gruppo degli inseguitori è composto da:

- tre Italiani: Michele Antonelli, Teodorico Caporaso, Federico Tontodonati

- due Ucraini: Ihor Hlavan e Ivan Banzeruk

- tre Tedeschi: Carl Dohmann, Nathaniel Seiler, Karls Junghannss

- un Irlandese: Brendan Boyce (IRL)

Ojala: 7km in 37:13

Aleksi Ojala (FIN) ha gia a suo carico due red card per sbloccaggio e poco prima dei 10km viene squalificato (la terza red card per mancanza di contatto).

Guida quindi ai 10km Ihor Hlavan (UKR) in 46:51 assieme a Federico Tontodonati (ITA) e Brendan Boyce (IRL).



dai 10km ai 20km:


Nel gruppo di testa sono rimasti agli 11km (51:29):

- un Italiano:  Federico Tontodonati

- due Ucraini: Ihor Hlavan e Ivan Banzeruk

- tre Tedeschi: Carl Dohmann, Nathaniel Seiler, Karls Junghannss

- un Irlandese: Brendan Boyce (IRL)

gli altri due Italiani, Michele Antonelli, Teodorico Caporaso seguono ad una ventina di metri gravati da una red card per sbloccaggio del ginocchio.

Nel frattempo Ato Ibanez (SWE) è stato squalificato agli 11km. mentre la stessa sorte subisce Miklos Srp (HUN) ai 12km.

Ai 15 km Teodorico Caporaso raggiunge i leader e si mette subito in testa (1:10:05) guadagnado una decina di metri.

Caporaso: 16km in 1:14:20 ed il vantaggio aumenta a circa 50m.; ai 17km passa in 1:19:16 con un vantaggio di 20"

Al gruppo degli inseguitori si sono ora aggiunti: Miche Antonelli (ITA), Damien Molmy (FRA) e Maryan Zakolnytskyy (UKR).

Caporaso: ai 18km passa in 1:23:50 con un vantaggio di 30" e ai 19km in 1:28:23 (+41")

Guida quindi ai 20km Teodorico Caporaso (ITA) in 1:32:52, seguito da Brendan Boyce (IRL) a 54" e dagli altri del gruppo a 56".


dai 20km ai 30km:


Continua Teodorico Caporaso con i seguenti passaggi:

ai 21km in 1:37:24 con un vantaggio di 1:03

ai 22km in 1:41:55 con un vantaggio di 1:11

ai 23km in 1:46:27 con un vantaggio di 1:12

ai 24km in 1:50:59 con un vantaggio di 1:30 sul gruppo degli inseguitori ora senza Ihor Hlavan

ai 25km in 1:55:29 con un vantaggio di 1:34 sul gruppo degli inseguitori guidato da Damien Molmy (FRA)

Ai 28km in 2:09:09 con un vantaggio di 1:38 sul gruppo degli inseguitori guidato da Federico Tontodonati (ITA), Ivan Banzeruk (UKR), Brendan Boyce (IRL) e Karl Jungannss (GER) che hanno preso un lieve vantaggio sigli altri.


dai 30km ai 40km:


Continua Teodorico Caporaso con i seguenti passaggi:

ai 32km in 2:27:12 con un vantaggio di 1:36 su Federico Tontodonati (ITA), Ivan Banzeruk (UKR), Brendan Boyce (IRL) e Karl Jungannss (GER).

Continua la sua gara di testa Teodorico Caporaso anche se ora il suo vantaggio si sta assottigliando in quanto Ivan Banzeruk si sta avvicinando.
Ai 37km passano nell'ordine:

- Teodorico Caporaso (ITA) in 2:50:06

- Ivan Banzeruk (UKR) a 27" in 2:50:33

- Brendan Boyce (IRL) a 1:03" in 2:51:09

- Federico Tontodonati (ITA) e Karl Jungannss (GER) a 1:10 in 2:51:16

Ma durante il 38km Ivan Banzeruk raggiunge Teodorico Caporaso, che appare in crisi, e guida in 2:54:49 con 2" di vantaggio.

Ai 39km: Banzeruk in 2:59:10, Caporaso a 22" e Boyce a 55".

Ai 40km la situazione è questa:

- Ivan Banzeruk (UKR) in 3:03:34 

- Teodorico Caporaso (ITA) a 37"

Brendan Boyce (IRL) a 1:00

- Ihor Hlavan (UKR) autore di una splendida rimonta a 1:02

- Michele Antonelli (ITA) a 1:22

- Federico Tontodonati (ITA) a 1:26



ultimi 10km


Si fa sotto Maryan Zakolnytskyy (UKR) che raggiunge Federico Totononati ai 42km.

Ai 45km la situazione è cambiata:

- Ivan Banzeruk (UKR) in 3:25:01

- Ihor Hlavan (UKR)  a 1:00

- Michele Antonelli (ITA) a 1:18 in splendida rimonta che punta su Ihor Hlavan

Brendan Boyce (IRL) a 1:24

- Teodorico Caporaso (ITA) a 1:36

Maryan Zakolnytskyy (UKR) a 1:45

Ai 48km:

- Ivan Banzeruk (UKR) in 3:39:20

- Ihor Hlavan (UKR)  3:35:50 a 30"

- Michele Antonelli (ITA) a 55"

Brendan Boyce (IRL) a 1:22

- Teodorico Caporaso (ITA) a 2:38


Vince la 50km Ivan Banzeruk (UKR) in 3:48:15

Secondo posto per il compagno di squadra Ihor Hlavan (UKR) in 3:48:38

Terzo posto con il nuovo personal best per Michele Antonelli (ITA) in 3:49:07 (precedente di 3:53:08 ottenuto a Andernach, GER il 8.10.2016) autore di una splendida gara.

Quarto Brendan Boyce (IRL) in 3:49:49 a 1:34

Quinto Teodorico Caporaso (ITA) in 3:52:14 a 3:59

Sesto Maryan Zakolnytskyy (UKR) in 3:53:50 a 5.35 che consegna la Coppa Europa della 50km all'Ucraina.




Classifica a squadre


1.- Ucraina: punti 8

2.- Italia: punti 16

3.- Spagna: punti 28




20km uomini
Sono in 70 alla partenza in rappresentanza di 23 nazioni.
Non parte Matej Toth.
I primi due giri sono coperti in 8:08 e verso il terzo passaggio va in testa Callum Wilkinson (GBR) a fare l'andatura (12:11)
Nel gruppo di testa ci sono: Callum Wilkinson (GBR), Kevin Campion (FRA), Sergey Shirobokov (ANA) Miguel Angel Lopez (ESP), Alvaro Martin (ESP), Christopher Linke (GER), Alex Wright (IRL) e Perseus Karlstrom (SWE).
Ai 5km guida Kevin Campion (FRA) in 20:17.
Agli 8 km Christopher Linke (GER) guida il gruppo in 32:18. Soffre Alvaro Martin.
Subito dopo Linke forza il passo e gli resistono solo Kevin Campion (FRA) e Sergey Shirobokov (ANA). Gli altri perdono qualche metro.
Linke forza ancora e stacca Kevin Campion (FRA) e Sergey Shirobokov (ANA) e passa a metà gara in 40:04.
Ai 12km Christopher Linke (GER) guida in 47:51. Kevin Campion segue a 19" e dietro a lui Bosworth, Shirobokov, Lopez, e Karlstrom.
Ai 14 km sempre in testa Linke, seguono Karlstrom, Campion e Lopez. Hanno perso contatto Boswirth e Shirobokov.
Ai 15km il passaggio è il seguente:
Christopher Linke (GER) in 59:37
Kevin Campion (FRA) e Perseus Karlstrom (SWE) in 1:00:21 a 44"
- Miguel Angel Lopez (ESP) in 1:00:24 a 47"
Mentre Linke continua imperterrito la sua gara (16km in 1.03:34 e 17km in 1:07:32) Lopeza ha raggiunto e sorpassato Kevin Campion (FRA) e Perseus Karlstrom (SWE) ed è ora in seconda posizione.
Ai 18km passa in testa Christopher Linke (GER) in 1:11:31 proprio mentre Kevin Campion (FRA) viene squalificato. Secondo è Miguel Angel Lopez (ESP) e terzo è Perseus Karlstrom (SWE).
Alla campana Christopher Linke (GER) passa in 1:15:30.
1.- Christopher Linke (GER) in 1:19:28
2.- Miguel Angel Lopez (ESP) in 1:20:21
3.- Perseus Karlstrom (SWE) in 1.20:40
4.- Tom Bosworth (GBR) in 1:21:21
5.- Marius Ziukas (LTU) in 1:21:28
6.- Alex Wright (IRL) in 1:21:48
7.- Diego Garcia (ESP) in 1:21:56
8.- Giorgio Rubino (ITA) in 1:22:05
Classifica a squadre
1.- Spagna: punti 30
2.- Germania: punti 35
3.- Irlanda: punti 45
4.- Gran Bretagna: punti 50
5.- Polonia: punti 52
6.- Bielorussia: punti 59


10km uomini


Sono in 37 alla partenza in rappresentanza di 17 nazioni.


Come al solito negli junior è sempre difficile fare una previsione, ma quest'anno il successo non dovrebbe sfuggire a Leo Kopp (GER) che vanta il miglior tempo di accredito (41:19 ottenuto proprio qui a Podebrady lo scorso 8.4.2017). Fra l'altro nel 2017 a livello U20 ha subito una sola sconfitta a Lugano da Zhang Yao (CHN).

Il suo avversario più importante è David Kuster (FRA) con un personal best di 41:31 anche questo ottenuto qui a Podebrady lo scorso 8.4.2017.

Per il bronzo dovrebbero lottare Giacomo Brandi (ITA) che vanta un personal best di 41:44 del 2016, e Lukasz Niedzialek (POL) che vanta un personal best di 41:53 anche questo ottenuto qui a Podebrady lo scorso 8.4.2017.


Attenzione alla situazione tecnica: nella recente gara di Podebrady tre di questi quattro atleti hanno dovuto fare i conti con le red card della giuria. Se ciò dovesse avvenire anche oggi, la gara potrebbe assumere una diversa fisionomia.



La gara


Subito partenza veloce.

Il passaggio ai 5km vede in testa Viktor Shumik (UKR) in 20:43 seguito ad 1" da Leo Kopp (GER), Mikta Kaliada (BLR), Lukasz Niedzialek (POL). A 7" segue poi David Kuster (FRA) che sembra non in giornata.

Forza l'andatura Mikta Kaliada (BLR) e si porta dietro Leo Kopp (GER), Mikta Kaliada (BLR), Lukasz Niedzialek (POL) mentre cede Viktor Shumik (UKR).

Agli 8km passano nell'ordine:

Mikta Kaliada (BLR), Leo Kopp (GER) e Lukasz Niedzialek (POL) in 33:13 e  Viktor Shumik (UKR) in 33:16.

Subito dopo Leo Kopp si mette in testa e forza ancora l'andatura, dettando la sua legge.

Con un ultimo km velocissimo vince in 41:08 (nuovo personal best).
Secondo posto per 
Mikta Kaliada (BLR) in 41:19

Terzo posto per Lukasz Niedzialek (POL) in 41:28.


Classifica a squadre


1.- Bielorussia: punti 9

2.- Francia: punti 11

3.- Ucraina: punti 14

4.- Germania: punti 17

5.- Turchia: punti 21

6.- Italia: punti 21

7.- Polonia: punti 26

8.- Spagna: punti 28








(English version)






50km men
The day begins with the most difficult race, that of the 50km, which saw at the start 32 athletes representing 14 countries.
This is, unfortunately, the reality of the fight for 50km !
Of the top 10 athletes in the European list 2017 no one is present at the start.
After Dudince, where everyone of them had set the season best, some preferred other technical choices and hijacked on the shortest race for team decisions, while others were absent while continuing their training programs to London 2017.
In this overall picture stand out with honor, the nationals teams of
- Germany with con Carl Dohmann, Nathaniel Seiler, Karls Junghannss;
- Spain with Francisco Arcilla, Luis Manuel Corchete, Ivan Pajuelo, Benjamin Sanchez;
- Italy with Andrea Agrusti, Michele Antonelli, Teodorico Caporaso, Federico Tontodonati;
- Ukraine with Andriy Hrechkovskyy, Ihor Hlavan, Ivan Banzeruk, Roman Zakalnytskyy
who should, at least on paper, play both for individual and team victories in this event.
Interestingly will also be the Podebrady-Lima distance comparison. The last weekend the 18th Copa Panamericana de Marcha, the biggest sister of our European Cup, finished with that exciting arrival between Claudio Paulino Villanueva (ECU) and Luis Fernando Lopez (COL) where both stopped the clock in 3:51:35.
The race
Temperature around 13°Celsius and partly cloudy sky: ideal for 50km.
At 10km:
After three laps immediately goes to lead Aleksi Ojala (FIN) who earns thirty meters on the pack leaded by the Italians, Hlavan (UKR) and Brendan Boyce (IRL).
Aleksi Ojala passes at 5km in 23:20, followed by Karl Jungannss (GER) in 23:33 and Federico Tontodonati (ITA) leading the pack in 23:36.
Ojala: 6km in 27:54
They alternate with the guide of the followers group Federico Tontodonati and Ihor Hlavan who have now reached Karl Jungannss (GER).
Ojala: 7km in 32:32
Chasing gropup is composed by:

- three from Italy: Michele Antonelli, Teodorico Caporaso, Federico Tontodonati

- two from Ukraine: Ihor Hlavan e Ivan Banzeruk

- three from Germany: Carl Dohmann, Nathaniel Seiler, Karls Junghannss

- one from Irland: Brendan Boyce (IRL)

Ojala: 7km in 37:13

Aleksi Ojala (FIN) already suffers two red cards for bent knee and just before the 10km is disqualified (the third red card for loss of contact).

Then leads at 10km Ihor Hlavan (UKR) in 46:51 together with  assieme a Federico Tontodonati (ITA) e Brendan Boyce (IRL).



From 10km to 20km:


In the head group they stayed at 11km (51:29):

- one from Italy: Federico Tontodonati
- two from Ukrain: Ihor Hlavan and Ivan Banzeruk
- three from Germany: Carl Dohmann, Nathaniel Seiler, Karls Junghannss
- one from Ireland: Brendan Boyce (IRL)
The other two Italians, Michele Antonelli, Theodorico Caporaso follow at twenty meters charged by one red card for bent knee both.
In the meantine Ato Ibanez (SWE) was DE'ed at 11km while the same fate underlies Miklos Srp (HUN) at 12km.
At 15 km Teodorico Caporaso reaches the leaders and starts immediately (1:10:05) earning ten meters.
Caporaso: 16km in 1:14:20, and the advantage increases to about 50m; ai 17km passes in 1:19:16 and the advantage is of 20"
To the followers group has now been added: Miche Antonelli (ITA), Damien Molmy (FRA) and Maryan Zakolnytskyy (UKR).
Caporaso: at 18km passes in 1:23:50 with a 30" and at 19km in 1:28:23 (+41")
Then leads to the 20km Teodorico Caporaso (ITA) in 1:32:52, followed by Brendan Boyce (IRL) at 54" and the others of the group at the 56".





From 20km to 30km:


Continue Teodorico Caporaso with the following splits:
At 21km in 1:37:24 with an advantage of 1:03
At 22km in 1:41:55 with an advantage of 1:11
At 23km in 1:46:27 with an advantage of 1:12
At 24km in 1:50:59 with an advantage of 1:30 on chasing group now without Ihor Hlavan.
At 25km in 1:55:29 with an advantage of 1:34 on chasing group leaded by Damien Molmy (FRA).
At 28km in 2:09:09 with an advantage of 1:38 on chasing group leaded by Federico Tontodonati (ITA), Ivan Banzeruk (UKR), Brendan Boyce (IRL) and Karl Jungannss (GER) which have taken a slight advantage over others.



From 30km to 40km:

Continue Teodorico Caporaso with the following steps:
At 32km in 2:27:12 with an advantage of 1:36 over Federico Tontodonati (ITA), Ivan Banzeruk (UKR), Brendan Boyce (IRL) and Karl Jungannss (GER)
Teodorico Caporaso's head continues his leading, though now his advantage is tapering as Ivan Banzeruk is approaching.
At 37km they pass in the order:
- Teodorico Caporaso (ITA) in 2:50:06
- Ivan Banzeruk (UKR) at 27" in 2:50:33
- Brendan Boyce (IRL) at 1:03 in 2:51:09
- Federico Tontodonati (ITA) and Karl Jungannss (GER) at 1:10 in 2:51:16
But during the 38km Ivan Banzeruk reaches Teodorico Caporaso, who appears in crisis, and leads in 2:54:49 with 2" of advantage.
Ai 39km: Banzeruk in 2:59:10, Caporaso a 22" e Boyce a 55".
At 40km the situation is this:
- Ivan Banzeruk (UKR) at 3:03:34
- Teodorico Caporaso (ITA) to 37"
- Brendan Boyce (IRL) at 1:00
- Ihor Hlavan (UKR) made a wonderful comeback at 1:02
- Michele Antonelli (ITA) at 1:22
- Federico Tontodonati (ITA) at 1:26
Ai 48km:

- Ivan Banzeruk (UKR) in 3:39:20

- Ihor Hlavan (UKR)  3:35:50 a 30"

- Michele Antonelli (ITA) a 55"

Brendan Boyce (IRL) a 1:22

- Teodorico Caporaso (ITA) a 2:38

last 10km
Maryan Zakolnytskyy (UKR) jois to Federico Totononati at 42km.
Ai 45km positions are:

- Ivan Banzeruk (UKR) in 3:25:01

- Ihor Hlavan (UKR)  at 1:00

- Michele Antonelli (ITA) at 1:18 In a splendid recovery and chasing Ihor Hlavan

Brendan Boyce (IRL) at 1:24

- Teodorico Caporaso (ITA) a7 1:36

Maryan Zakolnytskyy (UKR) a7 1:45

Ivan Banzeruk (UKR) wins 50km in 3:48:154
Second place for teammate Ihor Hlavan (UKR) in 3:48:38
Third place with the new personal best to Michele Antonelli (ITA) in 3:49:07 (previous of 3:53:08 obtained in Andernach, GER on October 8, 2016), author of a wonderful race.
Fourth Brendan Boyce (IRL) in 3:49:49 at 1:34
Fifth Teodorico Caporaso (ITA) in 3:52:14 at 3:59
Sixth Maryan Zakolnytskyy (UKR) in 3:53:50 at 5.35 delivering the 50km European Cup to Ukraine.
Team standings


1.- Ukraine: points 8

2.- Italy: points 16

3.- Spain: points 28





20km men

At the start 70 athletes representing 23 Countries.
Matej Toth doesn't start.
The first two laps are covered in 8:08 (pace of 4:04/km) and at the third round goes to lead Callum Wilkinson (GBR) passing at 3rd km in 12:11.
In the leading pack there are: Callum Wilkinson (GBR), Kevin Campion (FRA), Sergey Shirobokov (ANA), Miguel Angel Lopez (ESP), Alvaro Martin (ESP), Christopher Linke (GER), Alex Wright (IRL) and Perseus Karlstrom (SWE).
At 5km leads Kevin Campion (FRA) in 20:17.
At 8 km Christopher Linke (GER) leads the group in 32:18. Alvaro Martin suffers.
Immediately after Linke force the pace and only resists Kevin Campion (FRA) and Sergey Shirobokov (ANA). The others lose a few meters.
Linke still force and gain meteres on Kevin Campion (FRA) and Sergey Shirobokov (ANA). Half race is covered in 40:04.
At 12km Christopher Linke (GER) leads at 47:51. Kevin Campion follows 19" and behind him Bosworth, Shirobokov, Lopez, and Karlstrom.
At 14 km always headed Linke, follow Karlstrom, Campion and Lopez.  Bosworth and Shirobokov are behind
Ai 15km split time is the following:
Christopher Linke (GER) in 59:37
Kevin Campion (FRA) and Perseus Karlstrom (SWE) in 1:00:21 at 44"
- Miguel Angel Lopez (ESP) in 1:00:24 at 47"
While Linke continues his race imperiously (16km in 1.03: 34 and 17km in1:07:32) Lopez  has reached and surpassed Kevin Campion (FRA) and Perseus Karlstrom (SWE) and is now in second place.
At 18kmChristopher Linke (GER) leads in 1:11:31 just as Kevin Campion (FRA) is disqualified. Second is Miguel Angel Lopez (ESP) and third is Perseus Karlstrom.
At the ringing bell Christopher Linke (GER) pass in 1:15:30.
At the arrival: 
1.- Christopher Linke (GER) in 1:19:28
2.- Miguel Angel Lopez (ESP) in 1:20:21
3.- Perseus Karlstrom (SWE) in 1.20:40
4.- Tom Bosworth (GBR) in 1:21:21
5.- Marius Ziukas (LTU) in 1:21:28
6.- Alex Wright (IRL) in 1:21:48
7.- Diego Garcia (ESP) in 1:21:56
8.- Giorgio Rubino (ITA) in 1:22:05
Team Standings
1.- Spain: points 30
2.- Germany: points 35
3.- Irland: points 45
4.- Great Britain: points 50
5.- Poland: points 52
6.- Belarus: points 59





10km men
They are in 37 at the start, representing 17 nations.
As usual in the junior, it's always difficult to make a prediction, but this year's success should not escape to Leo Kopp (GER) who has the best accreditation time (41:19 obtained right here in Podebrady last April 8, 2017). Among other things in 2017 at U20 level he suffered only one defeat in Lugano by Zhang Yao (CHN).
His most important opponent is David Kuster (FRA) with a personal best of 41:31 also this obtained here in Podebrady last April 8, 2017.
For bronze, they should fight Giacomo Brandi (ITA) who has a personal best of 41:44 obtiained in 2016, and Lukasz Niedzialek (POL) who has a personal best of 41:53 also got in Podebrady last April 8, 2017.
Beware of the technical situation: in the recent Podebrady race, three of these four athletes had to deal with the jury's red cards. If this is still the case today, the race could take on a different look.
The race
Quick start soon.
The move to 5km is headed by Viktor Shumik (UKR) in 20:43 followed by Leo Kopp (GER) (20:44 - +1"), Mikta Kaliada (BLR), Lukasz Niedzialek (POL), and 7" followed by David Kuster (FRA).
Force the pace Mikta Kaliada (BLR) and leads in front Leo Kopp (GER) and Lukasz Niedzialek (POL)
To the 8km they go in the order:
Mikta Kaliada (BLR), Leo Kopp (GER) and Lukasz Niedzialek (POL) at 33:13 and Viktor Shumik (UKR) at 33:16.
Immediately after Leo Kopp goes to lead and force the pace, dictating his law.
With a last km fast he wins at 41:08 (new personal best).
Second place for Mikta Kaliada (BLR) in 41:19
Third place for Lukasz Niedzialek (POL) at 41:28.
Team Standings


1.- Belarus: points 9

2.- France: pointsi 11

3.- Ukraine: points 14

4.- Germany: points 17

5.- Turkey: points 21

6.- Italy: points 21

7.- Poland: points 26

8.- Spain: points 28



(from the web-site of European Athletics)




Senior men’s 20km


Christopher Linke just loves Poděbrady.

Three first places and a second on this course in the last two years suggests the German finds this circuit a home from home.

The only problem the 1.90m-tall walker encountered en route to gold was ducking under a sponsor’s sign every lap, which was otherwise too high for everyone else to reach.

No one got close to the 28-year-old once he broke away eight kilometres into the race and he prised open the gap to form a chasm before winning in 1:19:28.

“I have one of the best coaches in the world in Ronald Weigel (former world champion). It is a great motivation and there is a saying which says that when you train with the best you learn to win,” reflected Linke.

"I love it here in Poděbrady even though it has been a hard year. After 10k, I went at my own pace and I really enjoyed it. I truly feel this is my time to shine,” he added.

Behind him, the race for the other two places on the podium became a drawn out affair between France’s Kevin Campion, back to form, reigning world and European champion Miguel Angel Lopez and Perseus Karlstrom from Sweden.

After a disappointing and injury-marred 2016, Lopez injected the speed needed to get away from his pursuers at 17 kilometres to claim the silver in 1:20:21.

The chief judge’s disqualification disc decided bronze when Campion was removed with a third warning, handing the bronze to the Swede in 1:20:40.


Great Britain’s high-rated Tom Bosworth struggled to ignore a hip injury, but fourth in 1:21:21 was a decent return as he builds for the world championships on home soil in a few months’ time.

Like in the women’s 20km, Spain took the team title with Linke’s win helping Germany get the silver medals.


Senior men’s 50km


The long race went to form with Ivan Banzeruk playing the waiting game and then striking at 38 kilometres into the race to establish what was to become an unassailable lead.

The Ukrainian came into the race with a 3:44:49 best and, in the end, his pedigree paid off as he won in 3:48:15.

By holding back, the 27-year-old finished strongest while team-mate Ihor Hlavan upped the pace in the closing stages to take a deserved silver medal 23 seconds in arrears of his compatriot.

Bronze went to an Italian, but not the one who led the race for 23 kilometres.

Michele Antonelli was close to four minutes behind early leader Teodorico Caporaso – who went through 20km in 1:33:00 and at one point has nearly a two-minute advantage over the rest of the field – but came through, despite two cards against him before the halfway point, to take third place in a personal best of 3:49:07.


Banzeruk and Hlavan were followed home by their compatriot Maryan Zakolnytskyy in sixth place to give Ukraine the team title with Italy in second place and Spain third.


U20 men’s 10km


Leo Kopp proved that success in April’s annual race walking extravaganza in Poděbrady was no flash in the pan.

The German, 19 on Tuesday, awarded himself an early birthday gift with a second personal best around the park course and in much the same way as he posted his first at the European Athletics Permit Meeting.

Biding his time after a group of four had gone through 5km in 20:43, Kopp streaked ahead in the last two kilometres to come home in 41:08, finishing 11 seconds ahead of Mikita Kiliada from Belarus.

Poland’s Lukasz Niedzialek was third in 41:28, all three men on the podium and seven of the top eight achieving personal bests.

Belarus just edged out France for the team gold medals, with Ukraine taking third.